Keweenaw Baptist Church

Calumet, Michigan

Our Pastor is Joel Evilsizer

Thank you for visiting!  I'm glad you stopped by.  Ours is a church that has great confidence in our God and in the Word that He has written us.  The Word is what I preach and teach, knowing something of its great power, its great accuracy and its ability to do great work in each of us who listen to it.  Its Author is the awesome God who created the heavens and the earth, who is Lord and Master of all of it, and who came to earth in the form of human flesh so that each of us would have an opportunity to experience His grace and His mercy.
That is why we are here - to let you know what a great God He is, and to help you come into a personal relationship with Him.
My wife Lesley and I invite you to visit our church.  It would be a joy to us if you came.

May God bless you, and I pray that we can be of service to you.

Pastor Joel and Lesley Evilsizer
Keweenaw Baptist Church

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25890 Pine St.

P.O. Box  169
Calumet, Michigan 49913

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  (906) 337-1096   
(906) 934-5041





 Our temporary location is at the Grace Christian Fellowship building -

25890 Pine St.  Calumet









1:00 p.m.  Worship Service
 2:30 p.m.  Sunday School   
4:00 p.m.  Evening Service



7:00 p.m.   Bible Study/Prayer





 Let this mind be in you, which
was also in Christ Jesus

 Philippians 2:5


All Content Copyright ©2015 - 2020 Keweenaw Baptist Church